An Ode To The Old Wind

I always thought, what i am going to do
Because i was as lonely as number root two
A two is all that's good and even,
I know my two is not less than dee one
Vicious square root sign that i wore,
I wish instead I was a four
As four could kill this evil trick,
With just simple quick arithmetic
I was afraid, nothing I'll be able to see,
As i was just 1.414213
Such is my equality,
A sad but real irrationality
When all was lost! I saw that i thought never was true,
Another mysterious square root of two
Has quietly come waltzing by,
Together now we multiply
To form a number we always prefer,
Rejoicing and a complete integer
We tried to make real our fairy tale
Too long and fast our boats did sail
A fierce storm came to us from no-where
We were together always in our worst nightmare
But the force was strong, it separated our ways
We wondered off lonely for days and days
We met again after months went by
somebody else was enforced in your eye
I thought, our square root signs could be unglued
But I still hope that our love would been renewed


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